“Glim-merings” | New book by da/da
Kate Van Houten, estepa@gmail.com
Lawrence Ferlinghetti: a reticent World Traveler | hartismag e-article
Issue 13 of hartismag.gr e-magazine,
hosts an article by da/da,
about American poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, based on
their conversations in Genoa, June 2002, VIII International Poetry Festival
(Photos by Michèle Valley)
Photography “dada_scapes” | e-review “Avant Appalachian” , USA
In the e -review “Avant Appalachian”, (USA), 8th issue, 12/2019
3 photos by da/da are published , titled “dada_scapes”
More in e-review’s webpage , section “current issue”
Performance “Primitive” |Xouth International Festival
On Wednesday 18/12/2019, at 21.00, in the context of Xouth International Festival (in greek) (18-22/12/2019)
in the space of www.artens.gr, at Voukourestiou 33, Athens
da/da will demonstra(c)te the performance (sound poetry) titled “Primitive”
in dialogue with guitarist Kostas Oikonomou
Nouveau livre “DART x DART”

Le nouveau livre de da/da, “DART x DART”, avec des poèmes visuels,
est disponible sur redfoxpress.com
Performance “LANGUAGE. Languages”| Museum of Gounaropoulos, Athens [GR]
On 18 May 2019, in the contet of International Museum Day,
and also in the framework of group show “Poetry: eloquent painting. Hommage à Gounaro” in Museum of Gounaropoulos
da/da executed the performance “LANGUAGE. Languages.”
«Visions, V_ideas, Performances / 2014-8» | Article in e-magazine hartismag [GR]
The 9th edition of hartismag.gr e-magazine
publishes da/da ‘s article «Visions, V_ideas, Performances / 2014-8» in greek
The essay attempts a retrospective on the the history of the namesake exhibition about the art of performance,
that takes place every year since 2014, with da/da as main curator
in a variety of places in Athens, mostly Beton7 in Votanikos area.