(gr) “Δι – αναγνώσεις” | Επιτέλεση στην Αμέ, Βέλγιο
Hommage a John Giorno | U.S.A – radio show
(gr) Χίμαιρα και Φρονιμάδα | Άρθρο στο e-περιοδικό hartismag
Book “10 +100” – La ville d’ Athenes | Tribute to da/da’s work
Publishing House HD – ateliers Henry Dougier (Paris)
are launching a new book collection with the title:
“10 +100 ”
Cities and modern creativity
Book “La ville d ‘Athenes”, Paris, 05/2019 (color version)
Author: Daphnee Breytenbach
Pages 86 – 93 of the book are a tribute to the work and life of da/da
Link to the book on the publisher’s website
Iolkos/ Thessaly: Variations | Photo-project in Otoliths
Photo-project “Iolkos/Thessaly: Varations” by da/da is published by e-magazine Otoliths
“Mailboxes. Amay” | Photo project
During his Residence in “Amay’s House of Poetry” , da/da has realised
the photo – project “Mailboxes. Amay”
24 photographs from mailboxes of buildings in Amay , Belgium
24 letters of the greek alphabet
Date :10 – 30/06/2019.
Hand(s) | Magazine Publication
The review “Synapsis” (in Greek, specialised in the fields of Life Sciences and Humanities)
has published a text and photos of da/da”, in the framework of its 3rd section on “hand(s)”:
[“Hand(s).(i+4 variations)]
“Synapsis”, no52 , 1-3/2019, pages 4-10.