2011 | Veer Books


[Gallery not specified]
Veer Books 036 , London, 2011
164 pages
19×29 cm
Purchase it on www.veerbooks.com.

Related presentations:

Paris | FESTINA LENTE #3 | 23 June 2011

Νέα Υόρκη, NY | NYU | 2 October 2011

New York, NY | Bard College | 4 October 2011

Providence, Rhode Island | Brown | 6 October 2011

London | BBK | 09 December 2011

Athens | The Old Tannery | 5 January 2012


Turn, Maribor

2011 | Essay

Scales, ranges

The “issue of tobacco” according Panos Charalambous.

2011 | Fidel Anthelme X ed.



“BÊTISES” (visual poems), Editions Fidel Anthelme X, Collection “La Petite Motesta”,
Marseille, France, 2011, 44 pages, 21x21cm, book-objet, 7€ (ISBN: 2-911867-58-0).

Pdf sample.

(gr) 2010


“Mis-re-cognition”, 4 essays for C..A. Doxiadis, Koinos Topos/Synapsis, Athens, 2010, 128 pages (in Greek).

2008 | Ellinika Grammata

Considerations of science, technology and society

Considerations of science, technology and society, Ellinika Grammata, 2008.

Series editor.

2007 | e-book


See also +-graphies.

2007 | Ellinika Grammata

Society: The open horizon of research and innovation

Society: The open horizon of research and innovation, Ellinika Grammata, 2007.

Series editor.