Εxhibition “Poetry: eloquent painting. Hommage à Gounaro” | Athens, GR

Group show Poetry: eloquent painting. Hommage à Gounaro  
is taking place in Museum of Gounaropoulos, Zografou – Ilisia, Athens, Greece
between 10 April and 08 June , 2019

da/da will have the following contributions:

  1. In the permanent exhibition, with his work : “abcedary” 24 letters of Greek alphabet in Japanese Calligraphy 
    24 pieces of work in A4 size paper, with chinese ink 
  2. In the context of International Museum Day, on 18 May 2019,11:00 am, with a performance
    Titled: “LANGUAGE. Languages.”

Commissioner- curator: Manolis Karterakis