Guilford 1824/Ionian Academy
“Your most obedient servant and friend Earl Guilford”
Group show-curator: Dr Megaklis Rogakos
Ionian Parliament/Corfu-Old Town
2024 coincides with the 200th anniversary of the Ionian Academy, the first university-level Greek school of the modern era. It was founded in Corfu by the English philhellene Guilford and graced the United States of the Ionian Islands for 40 years, from 1824 to 1864, that is, until the Union of the Ionian Islands with Greece. It reopened as the Ionian University from 1984.
My contribution – visual work:
“knowledge_ge/ γνωσηα_κα”
Digital print, intermedia collage, AI, 50×70 cm, 2024
see page of the catalogue in English : 146. The catalogue-album was published to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Guilford’s Ionian Academy in 1824 and to accompany the exhibition “Your most obedient servant and friend Earl of Guilford” at the Ionian Parliament, Corfu, between 1 and 31 August 2024. Corfu Heritage Foundation 1. Ionian Academy 2. Frederick North, Earl of Guilford 1824 200th Anniversary of the Ionian Academy, Corfu , 2024.(Only in EN).