June 2016



Billingual edition: French-Greek
Poems and drawings by Demosthenes Agrafiotis
Translated by :  Gerard Pierrat
Editions : La rumeur libre
96 pages
ISBN : 978-2-35577-076-0
Price : 15 €

Read a sample (pdf)

The book is also translated in english.

The book has been presented at the Marché de la Poésie 2016 (Poetry book fair), Paris


January 2011 | RedFoxPress, Ireland



Collages, drawings, writings, texts, photography…
A6 format – 40 pages – laser printing.
Thread and quarter cloth binding
January 2011
price: 15 euro / 20 US $ / 13 UK Sterling

In the collection: C’est mon DADA

A collection of small artists’ books
dedicated to experimental, concrete and visual poetry,
or any work combining text and visual arts
in the spirit of dada or fluxus.

Order the book at RedForPress.

EstepaEditions | Paris, 2014


Publisher: EstepaEditions (Kate van HOUTEN) | Paris, 2014
email: estepa.editions@gmail.com

Estepa Press
165, Rue Charonne 75011, Paris, France

blog: https://kateplusbooks.wordpress.com/02-2/

2007 | Les Editions de Rivières


  1. “Bribes, Chimères ou enigma”, 18X18,5 cm, 24 pages, Rivières, Alès, France, 2007.
  2. “Bribes, Piazza Navona», 20X24 cm, 24 pages, Rivières, Alès,. France, 2007.
  3. “Bribes, Les noms», 20X16,5 cm, 24 pages, Rivières, Alès, France, 2007.
  4. “Bribes, Sur l’ autre ligne», 20X24 cm, 24 pages, Rivières, Alès, France, 2007.
  5. “Bribes, Pierres Dorrèes», 27X14 cm, 20 pages, Rivières, Alès, France, 2007.
  6. “Bribes, Quelle lettre», 14X13,5 cm, 28 pages, Rivières, Alès, France, 2007.

All the above books of Rivières Editions have been produced in 20 copies. Each book is painted in an unique way by Anne Slacik. The translations have been realised by Michele Valley.

Related presentations:

  • Reading of my poems “Le sentiment de la bouche à la lettre” and the series “Bribes”, Cathedrale, 13th Festival of Lodéve, Voix de la Méditerrannée, coordinator, M. Clück, 22/07/2010.
  • “ART-NIM”, La Foire d’ Art Contemporain, Méditarranée, Livre peints group show – installation, Editions de Riviéres, books “Bribes”, Nîmes, Parc Expo, France, 25-28/09/2009.
  • Presentation of “Bribes” in the framework of the exhibition “Pierre André Benoit”, Gallery 15, Arles, France, 20/06-31/08/2008.

2007 | Erato Editions

Now, 1/3

“Tora, 1/3”, Εrato Editions, Athens, 2007;. (Poems and drawings of Indian ink). 15X22,5 cm.

ISBN- 978-960-229-202-0

The book “now,1/3” dedicated to the experience of time, does not refer to time as a cultural convention (linear, calculable, divisible) or as a substrate of the human existential experience, but it aims to use time, or rather, temporalities, as a constituent and “material” element of the poems. The book is inspired by the art of moving pictures (cinema, video) and it has the undertones of a scenario. It is a “picture book”, according to an expression by Emmett Williams, an attempt to incorporate time into the structure of the poems as the reader moves through the pages of the book.In support of a multiple temporality (reading time, time of the writing of the poems, time of processing and all the temporalities of the author but also of the reader) I juxtapose the images which sometimes speed up and sometimes immobilize the flow of words on the page.

The book is open to different approaches, to selecting the scale of time; as they are successively laid out in the space of the book, minute, [hour,] day, week, month, year, the reader fashions his or her own time perspective.
Finally, [it is] a structure of temporalities so that human experience can be put through the test of time.

D.A. 11/2007