[Discourses _ Conversations_Performances. Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Alipio Carvalho Neto, Dimitrios Trikas ]
With the closure of the events/activities: “Confinements” questions arise regarding the principles and procedures of the overall organization, the degree of satisfaction of the multiple expectations, the fruitful or not co-articulation of diachronicity and synchronicity in the understanding of extreme social situations (madness, asylum, surveillance, violence) and for the t(r)topological limits in the connections of the arts with exclusions and confinements.
*Two performances by Demosthenes Agrafiotis, “Joints & Purifications “
**Dialogue by Dimitris Trikas and Demosthenes Agrafiotis
***Performance by Alipio Carvalho Neto (BR-IT),”L’ ELEMENTO UMANO-N.O.F 4″.(Art Brut/Music) in collaboration with Rachele Gigli.
Dromokaiteio Psychiatric Hospital, Haidari, Attiki,GR 17/12/2022.
Two documentary videos:
https://youtu.be/9cHFyKLEqrg EL
https://youtu.be/WxFr9SGDnjA EN
[Visual material of the videos by Giorgos Tsoutsouras, Michèle Valley, and Efthymis Dimitriou / Edited by Efthymis Dimitriou.]