Quatre éléments d’ Empédocle sont 4 videos-poemes de Demosthéne Agrafiotis.
Zerelia, Euxinoupolis – Thessalie, Grèce, Eté 2017
Quatre éléments d’ Empédocle sont 4 videos-poemes de Demosthéne Agrafiotis.
Zerelia, Euxinoupolis – Thessalie, Grèce, Eté 2017
Duration: 23 – 25 Νovember, 2012
Beton 7, 7 Pydnas st., Votanikos, Athens, Greece
Musicians, performers, acousmatics, actors , laptop peroformers, circuit bending, dance, video mapping , VJing, Improvisations, experimental music, sound art, noise art, sound poetry, performances, actions, exhibitions….
“Lexicones”, [web-art-poetry], A Iacovella, D. Agrafiotis, Mediterranean and Balkan Art and Technology Festival, in connection with “Pendulum”, 12/1999.
Presentation of web-poetry “Lexicones” in seminar organised by the Laboratory of Linguistics and Rhetorics, Laboratory of New Technologies, Department of Communication and Media, Panteion University, A. Iacovella, D. Agrafiotis, 13/4/2000.
Σύλληψη-design-σενάριο: δΑ
Computer graphics: Ανδρόνικος Μπισογιάννης
Μουσική: Δημήτρης Καμαρωτός
Musique: Dimitris Kamarotos. Images: dA