<a href=”https://dagrafiotis.com/?p=9592&lang=en”>https://dagrafiotis.com/?p=9592&lang=en</a>
Santorini (with Kate van Houten)
Complete poetical works/Volume II. Japan ( Oeuvres poétiques/ Tome II. JAPON)
Editions la Rumeur Libre, Sainte – Colombe – sur – Gand, France, 2024
(poems [FR,EL, JPN 2nd Part] and photos-Japan, 1985-2015)
Translation from Greek to Japanese: Andriani Psaraki
Translated from Greek to French: Michèle Valley
Graphic editing: Dimitris Mitsopoulos
400, pages.
Collective bοοκ: Hesitation & creation ( Hésitation & création )
in French, under the direction of Pr. François SOULAGES
Collection Eidos/ Serie Art, L’harmattan, Paris, 2023.
My contribution: Hesitation & performance. Doubts & waverings. (Hésitation & performance.Soupçons & flottements), [text-essay, video, photography, painting],
pp. 33-40.
JAPAN: Liquid Mirror
Demosthenes Agrafiotis, JAPAN: Liquid Mirror /
Démosthène Agrafiotis, JAPON:miroir liquide
released on May 30, 2024.
Éditions L’Harmattan/aesthetics, Paris, France.
Foreword: Dr. Thomas Simeonidis
French translation: Michèle Valley
Graphics: Dimitris Mitsopoulos
(essays, poems, drawings, photographs on Japaneseness, Japanese cinema, Lafcadio Hearn).
[It is also pre-orderable on other sites, such as Amazon, Fnac, Cultura….].
Video Youtube : https://youtu.be/1RAZX2QJu-U?si=aCsAO2r10QmxFFsu
3rd book of da.da at REDFOXPRESS, Visual Poetry Series ///C’est mon DADA – May,2024,(#202).
24 polaroids for the celebration of the Greek Alphabet.

For the Greek version of the book, see: